Search results

  1. Rommel

    Refund Request

    @Toothy Serpent Can you also provide any evidence of your crash, and the confirmation that the tables were in fact glitched/disappeared, such as having the staff member who may have dealt with your report post here.
  2. Rommel

    JoshZ refund request

    @J o s hZ Please provide us with your Steam ID: It is formatted something like this: STEAM:X:XXXXXX (where X represents an unknown number).
  3. Rommel

    Me and crew lost items

    @twisted I cannot really respond to the rest until other staff members confirm them. In regards to the bank money we need more definite evidence from you to provide a refund as money from a bank money isn't directly yours, its money you could have had. In regard to future refund requests, please...
  4. Rommel

    Nissan Skyline 200GT race engine refund request

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: As you can see in the screenshot above from the update notes, engines can now be automatically refunded when you switch them back to stock.
  5. Rommel

    Jamal Gutenburg's Refund Request <3

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: We cannot issue a refund for items that you could have had, in this occasion you were definitely mugging him, and he was partially breaking FearRP however you were not directly in possession of the items, so at that time they technically were items...
  6. Rommel

    Jack Wast His Weed!!!!!

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: We cannot refund for the weed that you could have had when it would be finished. We cannot refund for the rest of the items because they do not meet the requirements for a refund to be issued for them. Their total price does not exceed the minimum...
  7. Rommel

    Cocoa Seeds big thanks

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  8. Rommel

    HK416 and Glock 18

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  9. Rommel

    Refund Requst

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  10. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  11. Rommel

    Server Crash/ Disconnected item refund

    Can you please provide the normal version of your steam ID. It should be formatted something like this: STEAM:X:X:XXXXXX (where X represents a possible number).
  12. Rommel

    Lost Mini Fridge and LSD stuff -Server Crash-

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  13. Rommel

    Server crash

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: You have not provided the evidence we required in the time given to you to do so.
  14. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Currently on hold until the refund system works.
  15. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  16. Rommel

    [Refund Request] LSD's

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...
  17. Rommel

    yay update

    Your report has been denied. Reason: There is an automatic system in place that auto refunded the maker of the organization at the time of the update, due to this I cannot refund you for your org as the system would have already refunded it.
  18. Rommel

    car paint job

    Your request has been denied. We do not accept refunds for aesthetical items such as paint jobs, decals, and under glow for vehicles. The reason the decal disappeared when you painted your vehicle black is most likely due to the decal being part of the vehicles skin which you chose upon...
  19. Rommel

    AFK ban

    That is okay if that was the case but you did leave your computer unattended whilst mining. I will give you the benefit of the doubt since you seemed relatively new, but in the future you may not afk and do activates like that whatsoever. If you wish to use +attack you can but you must be...
  20. Rommel

    workbench glitched

    Your refund request has been Accepted. I will issue a refund for all the items that can be seen within the evidence provided. When you are next online you may claim your refund from the refund teller NPC within the bank. If you have any issues regarding your refund please contact me or a member...