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Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

In preparation for update 4.5 we are taking some changes to some of our rules. Below you'll find a rundown of which sections have been modified. We will slowly start enforcing these changes. Until monday we will grant you a small grace period. Then these changes are fully in place.

[2.4] FearRP
  1. You must correctly follow FearRP when a situation calls for it, such as when you are being held at gunpoint. Roleplay should reflect on how you would approach a similar situation in real-life.
  2. You may not draw or equip your weapon while under FearRP by at least three or more civilians. FearRP applies when you are exposed to at least three or more weapons - on safety or directly pointed at you.
  3. FearRP does not apply when you are put at gunpoint, or in striking distance of a melee weapon by less than three civilians. If there are less than three civilians you may try to run or fight back.
  4. You can only be put under FearRP by individuals within your close vicinity (Voice Range).
  5. When any police officer(s) have you at gunpoint, FearRP applies at all times. This however excludes Detectives.
  6. FearRP only applies for vehicles if the driver is placed at gunpoint by the driver-side window. Any other instance does not constitute FearRP for the driver, and the driver and the vehicles passengers may flee.

[4.1.1] Mugging
  1. You must wait out a 35-minute delay to do another mugging after your previous attempt that was either successful or unsuccessful. Any person in your party partaking in the mugging are also affected by this cooldown.
  2. You may not obtain Bank Account credentials through theft.
  3. You may not kill a player during a mugging unless they are actively resisting, threatening to snitch or kill on you, or yelling for help.
    1. You may not kill somebody for not giving out your requested amount of money if he does not have enough on him. If you zip-tie them and they lie, you may kill them.
    2. You may only take illegal items from a player’s inventory. Weapons, regardless of legality, are able to be obtained. No more than $8,000 in cash can be mugged from another player in any robbery.
    3. As the victim you have to drop all your money up to $8,000 maximum if you are in a situation that does not go against FearRP.
  4. You may not mug or kidnap in crowded places or near any NPCs, criminal or regular - you must do it in less populated and less exposed areas. This may not be in front of an NPC and/or governmental buildings such as the Police Department, Hospital, Fire Department, City Hall, and the Bank.
  5. You can however kill and harm someone near and at all these locations, granted that you have a reason from earlier. If a player is farming, crafting, metalworking, brewing, or cooking next to an NPC, this rule is voided and they are susceptible to criminal roleplay. Taking hostages while raiding the Police Department or Bank also creates an exemption to this rule.

[4.1.2] Kidnapping
  1. You may only kidnap people once every 45 minutes. After the kidnapping has ended, this cooldown is in place. You may not kidnap additional people from other locations or people not involved in the initial kidnapping. You may only do this after the initial kidnapping has ended and the cooldown has run out. If there are people running around, you may not randomly take them in, as this is considered to be a second kidnapping. This rule applies regardless of the success of the kidnapping.
  2. You may only kill a hostage if they are threatening to kill/snitch on you, not valuing their life or the police (or any other opposing party) ignore the demands of the hostage-takers.
  3. You may not kidnap someone for longer than 15 minutes. You have to release and let the hostage go once that time has passed. A staff member may shorten or lengthen a kidnapping. Any hostage-taking situations that are being confronted by police, are exempt from this rule.
  4. You may not ask for more than 3,500$ for each hostage during a hostage situation.
  5. Hostages can not be from your own team, group or crew.
  6. Hostages may not be awarded any money from the situation they were taken hostage at.
  7. If you are caught by police, and or arrested, any money that you gained from the hostage situation, MUST be returned on request of the officer(s).

[4.1.3] Robbing
  1. You may not rob the bank with more than 6 people in total; at any given time - regardless if they are outside or inside the building. This excludes hostages.
    1. Active participants need to stay within property bounds of the property that's being robbed and may engage in combat.
    2. Passive participants (such as informants) may stay outside the property that's being robbed but may not engage in combat.
    3. Both, active and passive participants, count to the maximum amount of robbers.
  2. You may not deposit your money and weapons to your bank account or stashes after a robbery. You have to wait 20 minutes before making any deposits.
  3. You may take a maximum of 4 hostages for a bank robbery. Regular hostage-situations aren’t affected by this limit.
    1. In order to be considered a hostage, the player has to be restrained/zip-tied during the hostage-situation. Otherwise they can be seen as a hostile threat, and dealt with as the opposition sees fit, while respecting other applicable rules.
  4. You may rob someone of three items that are for sale, e.g. guns in a gun shop. Officers may confiscate illegal weapons that are for sale.
  5. You may not rob someone for the keys to their vehicle or property. You may however force them to unlock their vehicle or property at gunpoint.
  6. Law enforcement may only be harmed if they are a direct threat to you. Passing by officers, such as those obeying NLR, may not be harmed unless they initiate on you.

[4.2] Criminal Raiding Rules
  1. You may only perform one raid (against players, the bank, town hall or the police department) per hour. This counts for both successful and unsuccessful raids. Survivors of a raid may ignore the “raid cool-down” if they decide to raid the police department to free crew members or retrieve lost gear.
  2. You may not participate in a criminal raid if you are an government employee.
  3. You are required to leave the area you raid after you remove, destroy, or steal anything of value. You may not stick around.
  4. If the mayor's approval rating is below 30%, or you have a proper In-Character reason, players can attempt a coup. Any corruption made by the mayor (note that this corruption must be certain and not a suspicion) creates a valid reason to assassinate them.
  5. You may not lock your doors right after they were lock-picked by criminals or forced open by the law enforcement. Accept the fact that the locks of your doors are temporarily broken.
  6. Players raiding Town Hall can only raid to kill the Mayor, if the Mayor is deemed raidable. This means the Mayor having a 30% or lower approval rating, or being corrupt. Once the Mayor is assassinated, they must flee. They may not stick around.

[5.4.1] Emergency Services General Rules
4. A firetrucks ladder may only be used to reach otherwise unreachable areas to extinguish fires and safe civilians from the dangers.​
5. A firetruck ladder may not be used to gain access to peoples properties to rob them of their belongings.​
6. A firetruck ladder may be utilized by the police department to allow easier access to buildings via the ladder. A firefighter has to be present for the whole duration.​
7. A firetruck ladder may not be utilized by civilians at all.​

We will most likely take additional rule adjustments after a couple of days after update 4.5 launched.


Community Director
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

Green = added material change.
2.4 FearRP
2. You may not draw or equip your weapon while under FearRP by at least three or more civilians. FearRP applies when you are exposed to at least three or more held (actively held, not in holster/on back) weapons, whereof at least one is directly pointed at you / off safety.

4.1.2 Kidnapping
3. You may not kidnap someone for longer than 20 minutes. You have to release and let the hostage go once that time has passed. A staff member may shorten or lengthen a kidnapping. Any hostage-taking situations that are being confronted by police, are exempt from this rule.
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Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

Not a change to rules but a statement/clarification:

  • Initiation rules have never existed on Monolith. Get "he didn't initiate on me!!!" out of your head on our servers.
  • There is no set timer that validates Kill-on-Sight after "initiation" since initiation doesn't exist.
  • KoS is valid if you have a valid reason to hurt/eliminate somebody; the reason however can't be from your previous death. Make sure to obey our Player versus Player and criminal rules!
  • You can not claim VDM when running on the highway. That's your own fault for literally running on the highway.
  • You can not claim RDM for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, e.g. entering your buddies vehicle that is now being shot up because he previously robbed/mugged someone and pays the price for it now.


Community Director
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

After my clarification of the RDM rules, it has become apparent that there needs to be some reasonable conclusion of valid reasons to kill. It's important that the time is ample before any conclusion since roleplay is about character development, relations and chain of events. However, after too long and without any conclusion of reasons to kill at all, NLR becomes confusing for all parties involved. It would also be useful to mitigate the removed need for initiation with another way that killed players can understand why they were killed.

Therefore, these rules were added:

Reasons for killing another player last until your character dies (NLR), you become aware of that the other party has died (NLR), or until one hour has passed since the cause of the reason occurred.

After having killed another player, you must tell them the reason for killing them as soon as possible - either via voice or text chat. Alternatively, you can chose to initiate the killing by stating your reason. Kills carried out in self-defence or raids are excepted from this rule.

Rule 3.1 was also changed to:
You may not use voice chat for OOC communication if it in any way impedes or disturbs ongoing roleplay.
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Community Director
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

An addition to 2.2.5, since hitmen are not aware of any times since valid reasons to kill were caused.

Reasons for killing another player last until your character dies (NLR), you become aware of that the other party has died (NLR), or until one hour has passed since the cause of the reason occurred. Warranted kills listed on the bounty-board are excluded from the timer.


Community Director
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

FearRP rules updated. From 3 to 2 people required to put someone under FearRP.

You may not draw or equip your weapon while under FearRP by at least two or more civilians. FearRP applies when you are exposed to at least two or more held (actively held, not in holster/on back) weapons, whereof at least one is directly pointed at you / off safety.

FearRP does not apply when you are put at gunpoint, or in striking distance of a melee weapon by less than two civilians. If there are less than two civilians you may try to run or fight back. If you have your weapon out (on safety or off safety), you are always allowed to attack players who aim straight at you - independent of how many they are.


Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

Monolith RP Update 5.0 (Truenorth) Rule Changelog

[CHANGED] Adjusted every "Paralake" to "Truenorth".
[CHANGED] Adjusted every "Chief" to "Sheriff".
[CHANGED] Adjusted every "Police Officer", "Officer" and "Officers" to "Police Deputy", "Deputy" and "Deputies".
[CHANGED] Adjusted "Police Department" to "Sheriff's Department" or "Law Enforcement".

[ADDED] [2.2] 12. The Third-Person view may not be used before and during combat. This includes switching back and forth from your equipped weapons to perform this action.

[MOVED] [4.1.3] 6. -> [2.2] 9. Law enforcement may only be harmed if they are a direct threat to you. Passing by officers, such as those obeying NLR, may not be harmed unless they initiate on you.
[CHANGED] [2.2] 5. Reasons for killing another player last until your character dies (NLR), you become aware of that the other party has died (NLR), or until one hour has passed since the cause of the reason occurred.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 8. Law enforcement may not release a jailed prisoner without approval by the Mayor, Sheriff or Captain. It is not allowed to release a jailed prisoner without a proper reason.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 9. Prison Guards may not leave the Sheriff's Department.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 10. A SWAT officer can not perform simplistic police activities like traffic stops or issuing traffic tickets, but can be called as backup if approved by the Mayor, Sheriff or Captain. They may only patrol during either emergency state or exceptionally risky conditions within the city.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 11. As a SWAT officer, you are not above the Sheriff, Captain or Lieutenants. You might have better equipment, but you have no commands over the Sheriff's Department.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 12. During a shootout, the SWAT Commander will take charge over the coordination and tactics of the Sheriff's Department. If there is no SWAT Commander at the time, SWAT will lead each other with supervision from the Sheriff or Captain.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 13. As a SWAT officer, you may not be on "standby" for a prolonged period of time at the police station if there is no imminent situation or context warranting SWAT. Active and coordinated training in the SWAT team can always be a valid reason for SWAT to be deployed, unless the Sheriff requests SWAT to flag down.
[CHANGED] [5.2.3] 2. Detectives are allowed to perform certain illegal activities such as growing and doing illegal substances with other people as long as they immediately report these to the police to bust them. You may also perform in raids with permission from Lieutenants or above. During these activities you have to assist the police officers to catch the criminals. The detective can not be charged for performing these illegal activities.
[CHANGED] [5.2.3] 4. Detectives are above regular police deputies, but take orders from Sergeants and above.

[REMOVED] [2.2] 5. Warranted kills listed on the bounty-board are excluded from the timer.
[REMOVED] [2.2] 11. You may place a hit on a player via the bounty board if you have a valid RP reason that validates that players assassination. The hit may be conducted by anybody that has the knowledge of this hit being active and the reward being unclaimed.
[REMOVED] [2.2] 11.1 The bounty board contains both name and image/drawing of the target - your character will recognise the target on sight.
[REMOVED] [2.2] 11.2 Usage of the bounty board is mandatory for all hitman RP (instructed killings with an element of Quid pro quo; something of tangible value in return for the kill).
[REMOVED] [5.4.1] 4. A firetrucks ladder may only be used to reach otherwise unreachable areas to extinguish fires and safe civilians from the dangers.
[REMOVED] [5.4.1] 5. A firetruck ladder may not be used to gain access to peoples properties to rob them of their belongings.
[REMOVED] [5.4.1] 6. A firetruck ladder may be utilized by the police department to allow easier access to buildings via the ladder. A firefighter has to be present for the whole duration.
[REMOVED] [5.4.1] 7. A firetruck ladder may not be utilized by civilians at all.

These changes have been taken in preparation for update 5.0 - Truenorth. These rule changes are in effect once update 5.0 is released.
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Monolith Expert
Dec 1, 2016


Years of Mono

Righto, new rule addition, in effect from this time on.

In-character scamming other players of in-game items are limited to either 20.000 dollars in cash OR three firearms of any kind.
You may only scam someone for EITHER the money or the firearms, not both.
Scamming regarding membership to Organisations is not allowed under any circumstances.
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Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

[CHANGED] [] Law enforcement can ignore the default 10 minute NLR cooldown once upon death for all raids, excluding police department ones. Note that law enforcement still need to be requested by police that are still on scene, with knowledge of the specific raid or robbery in their current In-Character life, to return. After a player has died twice the default NLR rules go back into effect. In-game staff reserves the right to call off and declare a raid or robbery as failed.

The rule change is in effect as of now.


Community Director
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

0 Prison Guards may not leave the Sheriff's Department unless they are joined by a deputy or above and the intention is to level up via the NPC-missions.
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Monolith Expert
Dec 1, 2016


Years of Mono

Changed a rule (5.1.7) for more clarity to avoid misunderstandings or confusion.
  • You may not perform random searches unless you have suspicions or concrete evidence of crimes being committed. Don'ts:
    • Sheriff's Department: e.g. searching someone that visits the drug dealer NPC location frequently.
    • Secret Service: e.g. searching someone that comes close to the mayor.
    • Security Guard: e.g. searching someone entering the bank or gas station.

  • You may not perform random searches unless you have reasonable suspicions or concrete evidence of crimes being committed.
    Law enforcement may search a player in custody for their safety, or if it is required to establish the identification of a player in custody.
    Furthermore, relevant authorities may search players in special zones, such as inside the PD or Mayors Office or during special events.
    • Law Enforcement: e.g. searching someone that visits the drug dealer NPC location frequently.
    • Secret Service: e.g. searching someone that comes close to the mayor.
    • Security Guard: e.g. searching someone entering the bank or gas station.


Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

Rules Reform Q2 - 2019

This changelog solely exists for documentation purposes. Not all changes have been documented. No guarantee is given to the correctness of this documentation. If you want to be sure of all affected changes, please re-read the rules.

[2.2] 7. Surrendered parties (in a Raid, Mugging, Kidnapping and/or Robbery) may not be killed unless they are actively resisting, not valuing their life, threatening to kill or snitch on you, yelling for help or the Law Enforcement fail to fulfill requested demands.
[ADDITION] [2.2] 9. You may not harm a Tow Truck Driver for towing or impounding you, your friends or crew member's vehicle. In addition, you may not harm a Tow Truck Driver for previously towing or impounding you, your friends or crew member's vehicle.
[ADDITION] [4.2] 13. The Third-Person view inside vehicles may not be utilized to gain unfair advantage over other players. Gathering information about defense setup and people’s position is prohibited.
[ADDITION] [5.2.2] SWAT Rules
[ADDITION] [5.5] 5. Secret Service may not harm any other government officials - like the Police Department and Sheriff’s Department.
[ADDITION] [4.1.2] 8. In order to be considered a hostage, the player has to be restrained/zip-tied during the hostage-situation. Otherwise they can be seen as a hostile threat, and dealt with as the opposition sees fit, while respecting other applicable rules.

[REWRITTEN] [0] Raid - The act of breaking into or illegally entering a property with the intent to rob, kill, or commit any kind of criminal action to its residents, or to any items inside of the property.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 4. You may not return to the area you died at for a timespan of 10 minutes (NLR).
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 4.1. You may not return to the area you died at if the situation is still ongoing.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 4.2. You are required to leave the area you died at immediately if you happen to respawn there.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 6. You may not destroy someone's property without a valid roleplay reason.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 7. You may not grab someone's belongings and hide them or throw them into an area where they can't retrieve it.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 8. You may only use adverts to advertise your business or similar. Think of the advertisements like an advert within the newspapers - keep it realistic. It is not required to advertise a raid, robbery or something similar to these.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 9. You may not disconnect to avoid a role-play situation. You must contact ingame staff and be granted permission incase you want to leave during a active role-play situation.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 10. You may not deposit a weapon within 10 minutes of drawing it or last using it against someone or something. This includes shooting at someone’s vehicle or any of their property, regardless if you hit it or not.
[REWRITTEN] [2.1] 12. A physgun may not be utilised as a pointer or laser to attract people's attention or similar. Using it in this manner can result in a blacklist from using it at all.
[REWRITTEN] [2.2] 8. You may not harm a Law Enforcement Officer for writing you, your friends or crew members a ticket. In addition, you may not harm a Law Enforcement Officer for previously arresting you and/or confiscating items from your inventory.
[REWRITTEN] [2.4] 5. When any Law Enforcement Officers have you at gunpoint, FearRP applies at all times. This however excludes Detectives.
[REWRITTEN] [2.6] 1. You must abide by realistic roleplay measures. If something you are doing is illogical in a real life situation, then you can’t do it on the server.
[REWRITTEN] [4.1.1] 3. You may only take illegal items from a player’s inventory. Weapons, regardless of legality, are able to be obtained. No more than $8,000 in cash can be mugged from another player in any robbery. As the victim you have to drop all your money up to $8,000 maximum if you are in a situation that does not go against FearRP.
[REWRITTEN] [4.1.1] 4. You may not kill somebody for not giving out your requested amount of money if he does not have enough on him.
[REWRITTEN] [5.2] Sheriff's Department -> Law Enforcement
[REWRITTEN] [5.2] 5.2.1. General Sheriff's Department Rules -> General Law Enforcement Rules
[REWRITTEN] [5.2.1] 7. Law Enforcement may not abuse the taser. You must have a valid reason to tase a player. You may deploy your taser during a gunfight or active shootout to take down criminals if they are not directly facing or shooting at you.
[REWRITTEN] [5.2.1] 14. In a hostage situation, you are obligated to value the life of the hostage and begin negotiations. A superior Law Enforcement Officer/Lead Negotiator may, however, call off negotiations at any time if it is deemed necessary.
[REWRITTEN] [5.2.2] Police Raid Rules -> [5.2.3] Law Enforcement Rules
[REWRITTEN] [5.2.3] 1. The detective is a undercover Law Enforcement Officer and may perform normal police duties. He's required to ID himself to Law Enforcement Officers when requested. Refusal of identification is not an option.

[REMOVED] [2.2] 10.2. Lootbags may be looted by uninvolved parties after a minimum of 60 seconds after the gunfight.
[REMOVED] [5.1] 8. Any person working for the government may not intentionally break traffic laws or evade the police.
[REMOVED] [4.1.1] 3. You may not kill a player during a mugging, robbery and/or raid unless they are actively resisting, threatening to snitch or kill on you or yelling for help.
[REMOVED] [4.1.2] 2. You may only kill a hostage if they are threatening to kill or snitch on you, not valuing their life or the police (or any other opposing party) ignore the demands of the hostage-takers.
[REMOVED] [4.1.3] 3.1 In order to be considered a hostage, the player has to be restrained/zip-tied during the hostage-situation. Otherwise they can be seen as a hostile threat, and dealt with as the opposition sees fit, while respecting other applicable rules.

Thanks to @PMX, @DystopianRaven, @MelodyRain, @wr1ght, @officernoodles, @Code Monkey, @friskiemar, @gm1003, @Tristan, @TheRustyPlayer, @Bryan1504


Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

In order to perform a police raid, a member of the police force of the rank of Captain or above (or Lieutenant+ if neither are on duty) must authorize and give permission for the raid. In order to give this authorization, you must gather video or picture evidence to prove that there is illegal activity going on at that specific property. 911 calls can not be used as evidence to raid a property. You must also place a warrant for the owner of the property before beginning the raid.

[ADDED] []
Law Enforcement is exempt from this rule if their life or the life of others are in danger (ex: Being shot at or threatened with a deadly weapon, or a suspect they are actively chasing enters a property during the chase). If either of these situations occurs they can immediately raid the property without a warrant or authorization in order to deal with the situation.

[ADDED] []
Law Enforcement does not require a warrant or authorization to raid an unowned property or a property that cannot be owned by a civilian.

[ADDED] []
Reports regarding false police raids must be made prior to the end of the police raid or the report will be closed and the situation will be considered handled in-character.

As Law Enforcement, once you have performed a raid, regardless of whether or not the raid was successful, you cannot raid the same property again, unless you meet the rule requirements that permit law enforcement to raid a property.

Law Enforcement can ignore the default NLR cooldown once upon death for all raids, excluding police department ones. Note that Law Enforcement still needs to be requested by Law Enforcement that is still on scene, with knowledge of the specific raid or robbery in their current In-Character life, to return. After a player has died twice the default NLR rules go back into effect. In-game staff reserves the right to call off and declare a raid or robbery as failed.
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Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

You can be on scene during a raid or robbery only to assist Law Enforcement, after the situation is over. You can not directly follow them inside the building they are raiding, but you are able to go in and provide any medical assistance after the police contain the situation.
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Monolith Expert
Dec 1, 2016


Years of Mono

Edited rule 4.2.6 for to be more clear and avoid misunderstandings. The principle of the rule remains the same, only wording was changed.
  1. Players can only raid Town Hall to kill the Mayor, if the Mayor has a 30% or lower approval rating, or is being corrupt. Once the Mayor is assassinated, they must flee. They may not stick around.


Monolith Expert
Dec 1, 2016


Years of Mono

Added rule 2.2.16
You may not force mechanics to repair a vehicle at gunpoint, unless they are charging you more than 500$ or you are in an urgent situation that warrants it.


Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

In order to perform a police raid, you must gather video or picture evidence to prove that there is illegal activity going on at that specific property. 911 calls can not be used as evidence to raid a property.

Law Enforcement is exempt from this rule if their life or the life of others are in danger (ex: Being shot at or threatened with a deadly weapon, or a suspect they are actively chasing enters a property during the chase). If either of these situations occurs they can immediately raid the property.

Law Enforcement does not require a warrant or authorization to raid an unowned property or a property that cannot be owned by a civilian.


Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

[CHANGED] [2.1.10] You may not deposit stolen money, items, or weapons to your bank account or stashes immediately after a robbery, raid, or simple theft, nor may you deposit a weapon immediately after drawing it or last using it. In all cases, you must wait 10 minutes before doing so.

[CHANGED] [2.6.6] You may not produce any type of drug inside government buildings, near NPC's, or in public areas. The only exception is inside your personal vehicle, away from public eye.

[REMOVED] [] You may not deposit your money and weapons to your bank account or stashes after a robbery. You have to wait 20 minutes before making any deposits.


Monolith Expert
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

[ADDED] [1.18] Any use of external or internal changes to the game to gain a crosshair in-game that isn't made by us, will result in an exploiting/cheating infraction.


Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono


This changelog solely exists for documentation purposes. Not all changes have been documented. No guarantee is given to the correctness of this documentation. If you want to be sure of all affected changes please re-read the rules.

There will be further rule modifications after the release of Monoford.

[CHANGED] Fixed a lot of typos and made minor adjustments for Monoford.
[MERGED] [2.1] 3. -> [2.1] 1.
[CHANGED] [2.1] 1. You must act realistically at all times. You may not run around not roleplaying at all. This includes, but is not limited to, running around on the main roads, jumping on and hitting vehicles.
[CHANGED] [2.2] 3. Vehicle Deathmatch is not allowed without a proper reason. You may use your vehicle as a weapon if your or a befriended life is in immediate danger.
[CHANGED] [2.2] 15. You are required to give the opposing party a reasonable time-period to respond and act upon your commands in situations where the rules allow various outcomes based on how the opposing party reacts. You need to make sure the opposing party heard you. Keep the voice-chat delay in mind.
[CHANGED] [2.6] 2. You may not continuously spam “E” on a door to prevent someone from breaking in.
[CHANGED] [2.6] 6. You may not produce any type of drug inside government/un-owned buildings, near NPC's, or in public areas.
[CHANGED] [5.2.1] 9. Prison Guards’ jurisdiction only covers the Penitentiary and the road leading to it. They need to remain within that specified area.
[CHANGED] [5.2.3] 3. Law Enforcement may ignore NLR and come back if called by active units on scene until they have died twice for all raids, except Police or Sheriff's Department raids.
[REMOVED] [2.2] 6. After having killed another player, you must tell them the reason for killing them as soon as possible - either via voice or text chat. Alternatively, you can chose to initiate the killing by stating your reason. Kills carried out in self-defence or raids are excepted from this rule.
[REMOVED] [2.6] 3. You may not instantly run off after you have been tased. Act realistically by crouching on the floor.
[REMOVED] [2.6] 7. You may not steal players vehicles which have just been unlocked.
[REMOVED] [5.1] 3. You may only use your job provided vehicle while working for governmental positions. If the situation calls for it, and you were granted permission from the Head of Department, you may use a personal vehicle. Detectives are exempt from this rule.
[REMOVED] [5.4.2] 2. During an active shootout you may escort downed players to the hospital for stabilization and revival. Those bodies need to be secured before you may escort them.

@Kn1ght @Green Gatorade Water Bottle @Apecengo @pea @Gammer3 @Maj.Kat @Funtimedoom @MelodyRain @PMX @deku
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