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  1. Predictable

    Staff Report / Blacklist Appeal

    Allow me to unpack and give my perspective on this issue that could have been avoided altogether through various means, with the simplest one being how you describe that they should have just left. Regarding the video that was provided to me, it was sufficient in its purpose of providing...
  2. Predictable

    Ban Appeal

    It appeared to me that you had NITRP, as you had killed the entire Fire Department when you could have easily used @ or !report or even dealt with it IC by calling the police and such. Your actions were not justified whether you are telling the truth or not, however they all told a story that...
  3. Predictable

    David Harrison ban appeal

    That's not what happened, however I won't get into that since it isn't relevant to what you're arguing. You received a 2 day ban in order to be consistent with the guidelines for a 3rd offense RDM consequence, and the other person you had also reported that was coincidentally in the same sit...
  4. Predictable

    Penthouse PD Raid Voided

    As the staff member that dealt with his report, I can confirm that his losses are true (with the help of the logs), and unfortunately the person that took his items disconnected to avoid returning them -- they were punished accordingly. Have a nice day.
  5. Predictable

    Premium Radio Refund Request

    I can confirm his request, and I did my best to handle it in-game. Unfortunately, his radio could not be located and thus I am approving his claims.
  6. Predictable

    some ban appeal that i dont wanna make tbh

    That's not what happened. I had specifically told you not to pick their stuff up since they died wrongfully, however you went and did it anyways. Despite me telling you to stop and drop his stuff (and everyone else telling you to drop it too), you proceeded to disconnect to avoid the situation...
  7. Predictable

    nSaNe Ban Appeal

    Reviewing your logs, I do see that you VDMed a few people, and the incident was reported by @kevsonic because you killed him, and I do remember that someone did it intentionally and then disconnected to avoid punishment. The problem is that it may not have actually been you and you ran him over...
  8. Predictable

    Ban Appeal

    You see, the issue is two-fold, just like I described it to you in-game. For one, you changed your story a bit regarding how fast you actually loaded in between what you told me in the sit and here. If I recall correctly, you said that your computer has a boot time of "about 20 seconds" and your...
  9. Predictable

    Stormcloak's Refund Request

    I can confirm this refund request, as I did say he wrongfully died.
  10. Predictable

    My stuff got confiscated out of failrp

    I can confirm his request since I handled the sit regarding it.
  11. Predictable

    Thanksgiving contest - 2018

    I am genuinely thankful for the originality and innovation that this server has and brings to its players, and with that I greatly appreciate the developers who work tirelessly on the server and its content to ensure that everyone is being catered to with some of the best RP and such I've seen...
  12. Predictable

    Staff Report - Predictable

    Let me start off by saying that you were not punished because RSXM (Romeo) decided that he didn't wish to pursue punishment. Rather, all he really wanted was to be reimbursed/refunded, which PMX fulfilled. As I already explained to you (with RSXM's screenshots as proof), he initially held you at...
  13. Predictable

    Katamine Ban Apeal

    I can see where you are coming from, and I don't want to punish you any longer because you were unaware of the situation and that was, in a sense, out of your control. Also, your friend (which was the guy that didn't initiate correctly and was verbally warned for RDM) told me that he felt guilty...
  14. Predictable

    Zachary Musk's Ban Appeal

    I was not the staff member that banned you, @Eldar987 was. I appreciate your formal apology though, just thought I'd let you know.
  15. Predictable


    I banned you for 4 days, which is the correct time. I believe you made a mistake in seeing/typing the ban length.
  16. Predictable


    Again, you are another person that I explained the situation to thoroughly in-game. Tasers are non-lethal, therefore they have no merit in initiating FearRP. He had the right to hold you at gunpoint with his shotgun, asked you to leave nicely at first, then began counting down until he needed to...
  17. Predictable

    Jack Mikael - Ban Appeal

    I went over this with you in-game, and explained why you were in the wrong and you told me you were aware and accepted the fact that you would be punished for your rule-breaking. Don't attempt to oversimplify what happened to dodge the rules, and I know for a fact that you understood what you...
  18. Predictable

    Bounty Refund Request

    I can confirm his claims about the logs I showed him. However, I am unsure about what to do in this case given that it only showed (lots of) damage being dealt but no death recorded in the logs. (Up to a higher-up)